Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Exploding Calendar

FYI: I wrote this post about a week ago but because I've been so busy..............

Because I'm OCD about my Planner/Calendar (and because I'm signing Lily up for swim lessons, Vacation Bible School, a few days at Day Camp and going on a trip soon) I've filled out my calendar for June.

Hey, June is just a week away, after all.

It looks like our calendar has exploded.

If you could have seen our calendar for May, you would probably shake your head and say, "Jen, you are too busy."

And I'd have to agree.

This time of year is busy for everyone, I know. I have to say, though, I've fallen into the Yes Trap.

Oh, we've all been there. We feel bad for someone's situation and offer to help (not always a bad thing to do, mind you), we don't want our child to miss out on the fun so we treck off to another event, or we feel obligated like "it's our duty". How about this one.... "If I don't do it, no one will."

We've all been caught in the trap. Maybe you are neck deep in it right now.

As May winds down, and my responsibilities are coming to an end, I've been breathing deep sighs of relief. Only to feel myself clenching my jaws as I look at my calendar.

Let me say this to anyone who may be reading. (And please know I'm yelling at myself here, too.)
It's okay to say no.

Try it. Right now. Say "No."

Now say it again. Okay, one more time. Doesn't it feel good?

I've had the opportunity to say no to a couple of requests this past week. Let me tell you, it felt AWESOME. I sang that last part by the way.

My June is a wee bit busy. That is mainly because our camping trip and a trip to Pennsylvania happen to fall on the same week. Our church's VBS is this month as well. What I need to remember when I look at my exploding calendar for this next month is that it is filled with fun things that I want to do rather than things I have to do.

On the flip side, this summer I am taking a vow to slow down and enjoy the moments of my summer While my kids are still small
While everything is new and their "first time"
While the days are warm and we don't have to get up for school
While the issued footwear for the summer is bare feet

Oh and I vow to say no a little more often.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Fever

I'm afraid I've got the fever..... summer fever.

I'm itching for the last day of school to get here.

I didn't think I would be looking forward to this day for a few reasons; but mainly because my little girl will officially be a kindergartner in two days. I feel like that's when school really begins.

I don't want her to grow up. I want her to stay 5 forever.

Actually, though, I'm soooo ready for summer. Summer has been peeking in around our house lately. I think it's because of the warm days we've been having lately.

I think summer is going to look a little like this............
She loves to ride her bike up and down our street.
You don't have to ask this girl to pose twice.

Prince Charming and his lady friends also took a nice topless ride around the block. Very inappropriate if you ask me!

Fun at the pool with friends

I love it that both my kids love the water.

I love the expression on both their faces.

Yup! I think summer has landed.