Friday, November 30, 2012

Being A SAHM: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Day 30: Phew! November is done, just about. Can you believe it? Tomorrow begins the countdown for Christmas and today is the last day to post what I'm thankful for.

This has been a great exercise because there have been times where I have felt less than thankful. We've been sick a lot this month and there were times when I was stuck in the house and feeling a bit sorry for myself. I had to look beyond my circumstances and how I was feeling to focus on what to be thankful for.

I've been wanting to post about being a stay at home mom for quite awhile. I think there is a bigger post in there somewhere but for now I will say it has been the biggest blessing and answer to a 4 year long prayer request.

These moments I get to spend with Lily, especially since she's off to kindergarten next year, have been precious. I know many moms say that; but it's true. To be in Lily's world is to be in a happy place. I'm glad I get to share so much of my day with her.

Not having to leave Henry ever to go work like I did with Lily has been so amazing. I don't think Lily suffered much at all by me going to work; but I did!!! Is it always easy? No. Do I ever yearn, and sometimes beg, for just an hour to myself? Heck, ya. Would I trade all the mornings we get to cuddle instead of me rushing off to work? No way.

Working are AMAZING!!!! I've been there. It's just plain hard. You balance so much and sacrifice a lot. Whether you choose to work or just have to to provide for your family, I give you props.

I'm blessed to be able to say home at this time. I don't know if it will always be like this. I'm sure things will grow and change as my kids grow and change. I'm just thankful that I am where God wants me to be at this time.

So there's my 30 Days of Thankfulness. Hopefully it encouraged others to be thankful, too.

1 comment:

Sarah Kuhner said...

I like this post. I am so, so glad that you are able to stay at home with your babies now. That is awesome!