Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Fever

I'm afraid I've got the fever..... summer fever.

I'm itching for the last day of school to get here.

I didn't think I would be looking forward to this day for a few reasons; but mainly because my little girl will officially be a kindergartner in two days. I feel like that's when school really begins.

I don't want her to grow up. I want her to stay 5 forever.

Actually, though, I'm soooo ready for summer. Summer has been peeking in around our house lately. I think it's because of the warm days we've been having lately.

I think summer is going to look a little like this............
She loves to ride her bike up and down our street.
You don't have to ask this girl to pose twice.

Prince Charming and his lady friends also took a nice topless ride around the block. Very inappropriate if you ask me!

Fun at the pool with friends

I love it that both my kids love the water.

I love the expression on both their faces.

Yup! I think summer has landed.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yay for summer!!!!!