Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm a Procrastinator...I admit it!

So, I'm procrastinating (again!). I've been trying to get up from the couch for the last half hour. Really, I have. To make myself feel better I folded some clothes; but won't put them away because that would require me getting off the couch.

I could blame it on the long week, or the fact that I've got a bit of a cold, or hey, I could blame it on the baby. You can pin almost anything on being pregnant!! The fact is, I have a lot to do by tomorrow afternoon. There's so much to do that I don't know where to begin. So I sit and do nothing.

Well, that's a good plan!!

Andy and I are preparing for a weekend away. Lily's going to Grandma's and Chantel is coming to house/dog sit. Which of course means my house needs to be spotless. Every ounce in my body does not want to clean my house or do the mountain of laundry that's waiting downstairs. Cleaning before you go on a vacation is never fun, but sometimes necessary.

Next morning.......

Just realized I never finished my post! I got sidetracked from blogging because I did start cleaning the house!! I'm a little more motivated this morning, as I vacuum and finish laundry. A weekend alone with my husband in beautiful Sonoma is worth all the cleaning and prep ahead of time. These weekends are few and far between.

Well, I've got a few hours to get us all packed and ready so, I'll end this post for now. Pictures of Sonoma are sure to pop up soon.

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