Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good -Bye 4th Street, Hello Peresozo Calle

So, it's been 3 1/2 weeks since the big move. 3 1/2 weeks ago Andy and I looked at each other and said in horrible excitement, "We have 10 days to pack our house, move and clean out the old house! Yikes!" And while we've accomplished so much, as I look around and see so  many things that need to be done. There are just a couple of boxes in the dining room,  a couple of boxes holding pictures that need to be hung and a couple more in Henry's room. (Poor guy barely has any furniture, so a lot of his things are in boxes still.)

Despite our lack of boxes, there's much that needs to be organized and set up. Knick knacks have yet to find their proper place, not a single curtain has been hung and the garage is a little scary right now (There's a nifty obstacle course to the washer and dryer.).

My most awesome friend, Sarah, who helped me pack informed me that when they moved (many moons ago) she unpacked in one day! Wowzers! I'm a little behind! If my memory serves correctly though,  her and her hubby didn't have kids yet. If she were to move today, I'm sure it would take her 2 maybe 3 days tops. I'm not being sarcastic. She's that awesome.

I have two kids. One of which takes out whatever I've just put away. The other is really into "crafting" right now. I have a lot of paper plate wreaths laying around. Most of my days consist of cleaning up other people's messes, rarely getting to tackle a project or even start one for that matter.

Besides the kiddos, the problem with me is......I'm slow. Oh, I've learned to get things done in a jiffy over the years; but I'm naturally slow, always have been.

I'm also a bit of a perfectionist. A slow perfectionist. Sounds excruciating, doesn't it?

And let me just throw in indecisive while we're at it. I'm a slow, indecisive perfectionist. Not so great for when you're moving.

Now in my defense, I must say that I am a hard worker. I'll work into the wee hours of the night to get something done and get it done right. So I think it's funny that in english our street translates into Lazy Street!

At this point, I wish I could just I Dream Of Jeanie my house to the finished project I see in my mind. Until then, I'm enjoying my new house with it's extra room to move around and play in, our yard to relax in on these warm summer evenings, and our very quiet "lazy" street where we will hopefully one day teach Lily and Henry how to ride their bikes.

 Saying good-bye to our 4th Street House.
And those boxes......................I'm thankful for them, too.


Stephanie said...

Great post - inspired me to write a post - tomorrow that will be my goal :) Need to get some of that going on again :)

Stephanie said...

Oh by the way - loved the pics!