Saturday, June 2, 2012

Moving Impossible

Wow, where did May go? I've barely blogged this past month. Let's just blame it on the "Big Move" shall we? Yes, the Bauers have moved!! I couldn't be more excited. It was quite the whirlwind of the move, though. I love to watch the show Restaurant Impossible on the Food Network with Chef Robert Irvine. If there was a show titled "Moving Impossible" we totally would have been cast.
We had been looking to move into a bigger place but knew we would lose money if we tried to sell our house right now. So we decided to rent a bigger place and rent out our two bedroom, two bath bungalow. To sum things up quickly. A renter was very interested but wanted to move in in a mere 10 days! We had already found a house that was perfect for our family of four, empty and just waiting for us.
How do you pack and move an entire house in less than 10 days? We were about to find out. I'm sure at some point I said, "Let's do this thing!' And we did.
Thankfully, we had friends and family come by to help pack. The kids basically lived with my parents for 3 days so we could accomplish "Moving Impossible." Without their help it simply would not have gotten done or I would not have slept. The Body of Christ is pretty awesome.
So here's the timeline..... Monday through Wednesday: Pack, pack, and pack some more. Thursday: Pick up the moving truck and move most of our belongings. Thursday night: sleep in our new house. Friday through Monday: Clean the 4th Street house to get ready for our renter, slowly bring over things that didn't make it in the truck and begin to unpack our new house.
Why did it take longer to clean an empty house than to pack an entire house? If you could have seen what was under my fridge, you would understand. Trust me, it was not pretty.
But for all the craziness, stress and lack of sleep, I must say, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We went from a two bedroom, two bath (one of which was basically the size of a coat closet) cottage with a very small kitchen and a yard that was pretty but not very practical for kids and was right off the highway to a three bedroom, two bath house with a lovely yard on a VERY QUIET street.
We've waited and prayed about this possibility for a very long time. And as always, God's timing is just perfect.
 My friend, Sarah, was one of several helpers; but if you ever need someone to help you move, she's the one to call.
 H wasn't very helpful in the whole process; but he's so darn cute!
 My neighbor and friend, Kim. I have neighbors now!!!!!
 My Mother - in - Law, Lorri, is holding some bolts and screws. The story about those is another post in itself!
 In her new room on the first night. In a fancy hat, of course. We only packed the essentials!
 My first accomplishment: clearing off a kitchen counter.
 My futile attempt at barricading him in. I swear, he's part baby, part spider man!
Again, not very helpful; but awfully cute:)


Stephanie said...

Loved reading about it - I think if there was that show - we would both be on it! Somehow I don't think a massive hail storm the first week of moving in is typical either- LOL!

Sarah Kuhner said...

Loved helping you get packed and ready to move. It was fun to hang out with you. I still have to come over and see your new house.