Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Just Laying It All Out There and The Bread Was Calling Out To Me.

Longest title for a post. I know.

Trust me. Those two random statements really do tie into each other. Really.

So, I'm going to go out on a limb here. I'm trying to lose weight. I need to lose weight.

I don't think I need to go on the Biggest Loser or anything like that; but I've come to accept a couple of things. I can't be in denial about them any longer.

#1)  I can't just say I want to lose weight, boo hoo about it and feel sorry for myself and not be willing to do something about it. Work at it.
#2) I wasn't (still not completely thrilled) with how I looked; but more importantly, was not happy with my relationship with food.
#3) I need to be a better example to Lily. I'm afraid I've failed miserably at this. I need to be a better example of how to eat and that you need to exercise your body.
#4) I couldn't use the excuse of "just having a baby", being too busy, or being too tired to not change my eating habits and lose some weight. Also, I needed to stop doing things in my own power. I needed to make it a God-thing, not a Jen thing.

So there you have it.

Why blog about it?

Well, people who blog talk a lot about themselves (I'm just being honest) and their lives. This is just part of mine.

I've started a calorie counting program and it's been working so far. I'm doing it with a handful of friends and the accountability has been the number one reason why I've stuck with it. So I figure if I blog about it, maybe I can get some more support and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Please feel free to comment. Give me tips, advice, verses to encourage or whatever. I'd appreciate it.

So what about the bread calling out to me? Well,,,,,,,,,,bread is my numero uno weakness. Sourdough, fresh from the bakery, hot and squishy. I bought some the other day to go with a potato soup recipe I was making for the first time. I figured out it was about 100 calories per slice. TOTALLY worth it. Problem is eating one slice is like taking one lick of icecream or eating one chip. It's totally against nature to eat just one. So I ate two.

Well, for a family of 4, two being very small, we aren't going to eat a whole loaf at one meal. As I was cleaning up the dishes after dinner, I saw the half eaten loaf sitting there. Staring at me. I swear I could physically  hear it say, "Jen, eat me." But not in a sweet innocent voice. It was in a slow motion, menacing, action movie sequence voice. It was scary! I wanted to eat the bread so very badly.

I'm happy to say, I refrained. But maybe, just maybe, for a little while. I'll skip the sourdough bread when I go grocery shopping.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I can so relate - - I baked homemade bread and fell to its prey! You are doing an awesome job and I love the accountability and encouragement! Good for the soul! Good job putting it out there and thanks for encouraging me! We can do this! (And I love reading your blog!)