Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why Charlotte's Web is one of my all-time favorite books.

I finally finished reading Charlotte's Web to Lily. It just about took me the whole school year to do it, too. She really enjoyed it and I loved reading it to her. It is one of my absolute favorite books. Not just children's books, any book.

I anticipated the last chapter, the ending. I knew it was coming. It makes me cry every time!!

The first time I read it out loud to a class of Third Graders, I got a lump in my throat and my eyes began to burn. I was crying in front of my class! I knew I would read it every year from there on out.

Lily and I were nearing the last chapter so I made sure to
pick an afternoon when I knew we would not be interrupted. We came to the last couple of pages. I dreaded it and couldn't wait for it all at the same time.  I finished it. Tears welled up and I held them back; but it was hard. Once again, I felt sad that Wilbur had lost his most precious friend. My heart hurt for my dear little friend, all alone in the barn cellar.

It was bit lost on my 6 year old, I must admit. A shadow of sadness drifted across her face; but it was gone in seconds and she went on to the next thing.

Maybe in a couple of years it will mean something more.

But maybe the fact that it means something deeply to me is enough.

To have a friend, so incredibly loyal to the very end. Have you known that kind of friendship? I have. I found it when I was young and I've never had one quite like it since. It think that's what makes it so special. Those kind of friendships are usually a once in lifetime thing. Not always, but usually. Be thankful if you've ever had the privilege to experience it.

I love a book that makes you feel your character's joys and sorrows as if they are your own. You know it's a good book, when the moment you've closed the cover, you feel sad and you wish it didn't have to end. 

In a couple of years, when Henry is old enough, I'll revisit my old friends again in the barn cellar.

"It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. 
Charlotte was both.”

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