Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just What I Needed

So before I start this post I have to admit....I should be emptying the dishwasher. It will make my morning go so much smoother if I do. But I sit and write instead. I'm way too easily distracted and blogging takes a bit of discipline. I actually have something to blog about so I better go with it.

I've been in a bit of funk this week. It's kind of hard to explain why. There are several reasons actually. The first probably being lack of sleep. The more I dwelt on the negative, the deeper in a funk I got. I knew I was digging this hole deeper and deeper; but I didn't care and just didn't want to have a good attitude. Ever feel like that?

Contentment. It can be really hard sometimes. Really hard.

Because of Andy's work schedule, we don't go to our first church service. We just go to the second hour which is Sunday School. I've really missed going to church. I know that in this season of my life, with 2 small kids and a husband that works nights, there are some sacrifices that have to be made. I know it won't always be this way. Doesn't mean I like it. It just means I understand.

So tonight, I finally made it to Sunday evening service. My sweet little Henry lasted a few minutes, which I figured would happen. I happily handed him over to my dad who took him out in the foyer. The fact that I could listen to the sermon without interruption or my attention be diverted was, well.... it was pretty awesome.

Halfway through the sermon I did have to take him to the back and feed him. But I still got to listen and they sang praise songs at the end (which I have also dearly missed by not going to church in the morning).

Will I make it every Sunday night? Probably not. But I'm going to try. My world revolves Little H's naps these days, so we'll see.

It shouldn't have surprised me that a good night's sleep (which I finally got last night.... Can I get an Amen!?) and time in God's house with God's people was just what I needed to start to pull me out of my bad attitude blues.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

This too shall pass, my dear...I know it doesn't seem like it when you're in the thick of it. I'm glad you got to go to church, praying for a lot more of those good sleeps!!