Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's The Little Things

So, yesterday we got our laptop back. We've been without our laptop, which was our main computer, for over a month. Our other computer, which Andy bought over a year ago and we never used because it never worked on a consistent basis, got fixed. So we thought. It went kaput again right when our trusty laptop did.

We handed them over to the only man who could fix the unfixable, Peter. And he did. And I'm overjoyed. Ecstatic. Doing a happy dance. Promising our laptop I'll never call it the mean names I used to when I was frustrated with it. I didn't realize how much I used our laptop with all my bookmarks and files until it was gone.

I must think of something spectacular to do for Peter as a thank you. I have a really good idea. I'll be sure to write a post about it.

Now I can post pictures when I post blogs. I think I'll just post a few....because I can.
 He's getting so big!

 The family that is silly together (and is horrified together, evidently) stays together.

Yeah, that's right. Maui is ridiculously beautiful.

So thankful to have my computer back. It's the little things, you know?

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You guys are hilarious...I can't imagine where Lily gets her talent for making faces. ;)