Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow

Today......... I relaxed with the family at home. Thursdays is the only day of the week where Andy hasn't worked the night before and nobody has to be anywhere. Lily doesn't have school, there is no gymnastics, I don't usually go grocery shopping  on that day, Henry's schedule is wide open as usual.

We cuddled on the couch, watched cartoons and The Price is Right. I sat on Andy's lap to cuddle with him, Lily was on top of us in less than 30 seconds. Henry was not far behind.

We were a human pretzel.

It was awesome.

Then Henry poked me in the eye. I mean, really poked me! He thought it was hysterical.

It kinda was.

Yesterday.......... I went to Target and didn't buy a single thing from the dollar bins. Not a thing!

If you remember my last post, my New Year's Resolution is to Find My Happy Place, to declutter my life of the "stuff" that's not needed, (That starts with my spending habits.) to Simplify.

I was going to skip the dollar bins altogether, really I was. They sucked me in, though. I just couldn't resist.

Old habits are hard to break.

With each little do-dad that caught my eye I asked myself, "Do I really need that? Will I use this today? Or will it get stuck on a shelf or in a drawer somewhere? Will it make me happy, will I use it? Or will it just frustrate me later because it's become clutter?"

I'm happy to say I left with an empty basket.

I then proceeded to fill it with other things. I did stick very, very close to my list, though. Yay, me! Hopefully this is the first of many frugal shopping trips.

Tomorrow........... Is supposed to be cold. Tonight it's supposed to drop below freezing. Yikes! Tomorrow morning is going to be in the 20's. Double Yikes!! Where am I anyway, Nebraska? I'll be sure to get the gloves and scarves out tomorrow.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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