Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkins and Poop....Yes, I said Poop

There are a few things you should know before you continue reading my blog. So listen up, all five of my readers! Besides posting a lot of pictures (which is why all of Lily's Aunties will be checking my blog), I talk about two things.... a lot. Lily and Lily's poop. I will blog a lot about the former (and Andy and I) and though not as much, I must blog about the latter.

Anyone who knows me well and has been around me the last 3 months knows that poop is all I talk about these days. Again, let me clarify. This is Lily's. I'm not a total weirdo! I'm hoping to do less of this as Lily's potty's training is drawing to an end. I think. You see, this whole potty training thing has totally taken over my life. It's been a long road and it hasn't been an easy one.

So, I'm just warning you.

I hope that one day, not every conversation I have will eventually find it's way back to the potty. But until then......

You must be thinking, what does pumpkins have to do know? Nothing really. But today, the Writebols, Carrillos, Browns and Bauers (minus Peter and Andy) made an impromptu trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Since last Saturday's trip was thwarted by those pesky showers and this weekend promises the same, someone came up with this great idea. And a great idea it was!

There was a cute little hay ride and very dark hay maze (so I was told). The pumpkin patch was just the right size for our little girls. Not too big and busy. The land surrounding it was very countryish and farmy. I loved it!

We purchased our pumpkins and made our way to our cars just as it started to rain. Perfect timing. Since Andy wasn't able to make it, it was nice to have my mom join in on the fun. I was very disappointed that we weren't going to make our annual trip to the patch, but we made it after all.

And now, back to the........ you know. After the pumpkin patch, I dropped Lily off at home with Andy and left to go get dinner. Andy's job was to sit Lily on the potty and try to get her know. See, it's day 5 and no know. I will spare you the horrific details of Lily's bm problems over the last 3 months. Just know, I was getting horrible bm flashbacks!

So when Andy called me on my cell phone and I heard Lily's sweet little voice say, "Mommy, I pooped in the potty!" I let out a whoop and holler. I never thought in my wildest dreams that one of the greatest joys in my life would be that my daughter would go to the bathroom without screaming like her eyeballs were on fire. But it is. And this mommy is glad.

What a nice end to an unexpectedly nice day.

Here are some more pictures. I promise. No pictures of ....... you know.


Jamie Humphreys said...

Great not only do I hear you talk about poop I can read about it! Lol!

Wendy said...

Jen, you are cracking me up! Thanks for no pictures. :)

Stephanie said...

Ok - so I LOVE the pictures and the trip was SUPER fun!!!!!! So glad we went - I loved it too! I think it was perfect for the girls!!!! Yea for Lily and going potty!