Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Can't Believe She's Going To School

Less than a year ago I was dreading taking Lily's bottle away. She's was almost 2 and all her other little friends were straight juice cuppers. She couldn't be 2 and still be drinking out of a bottle now could she? She never sucked her thumb or a pacifier, but did she love her bottle! I felt like the moment I took it away she wouldn't be a "baby" anymore. I wasn't ready to give up Lily being a baby.

Now my 2, almost 3 year old, will be going to Pre-K, and I cannot believe it. This past year has been year of letting "baby" things go. We said good-bye to the bottle, the crib, and the diaper. She went from stringing a couple of words together to having funny and sometimes ridiculous full- on conversations. (I love those silly converstations!!)

As I pack her back-pack and make her lunch, I am excited for all the exploring she'll get to do and friends she'll make. I'm nervous that she'll be too busy playing and have an accident. (Then she'll have to change the super cute outfit I've picked out for her!) I'm happy that she'll be happy because I know she'll love school and her teachers. But I'm also sad. She can't be going to school yet!! She's not even 3! This wasn't supposed to happen for another year at least.

Most of all, I'm excited. I'll see her much more now that she'll be coming to school with me every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I can go watch her anytime I want to while she plays on the playground. In that way, I'm pretty lucky.

There remains just one question. Will I cry the moment Andy and I walk her to her classroom door or will I keep it together until I leave? Tears are a pretty sure thing.


Stephanie said...

It is hard to believe - but I am glad Lil and Al will be together in their little class!!!!!

Wendy said...

Oh, the time goes so fast! It's so hard to let go when they're so little, but it does get easier, I promise. (But don't hold me to that when it's time for college.) ;)