Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dry Those Tears

Living with Lily is never dull. Ever. She often says things where I have to do a double take and say, "Did she just say what I thought she said?" Or I just laugh, truly and honestly laugh. Sometimes, she is just plain silly. We are currently working on learning how to stop being silly and knowing when it's too much. It's not going very well.

While her humor is mixed with plain silly, there are high doses of sassiness. Ahh.... the sassiness. Yet, the sassiness (and drama, of course) is balanced out with real sweetness.

This is my girl and I wouldn't have her any other way. So from time to time, I must post some of the things she says and does.

While I get ready in the morning, Lily likes to keep me company. We have the most interesting conversations at 7 a.m.

Lily: May I have some chocolate chips?
Me: No Sweetie, you haven't had any breakfast yet. You are having party today at school and you are going to have lots of sweets. Don't worry your pretty little head about it.
Lily: My heads not pretty.
Me: Yes, it is. Your head is so pretty.
Lily: It's pretty right here (points to left side of head); but it's ugly right here. (points to the left side of her head)

I was having hard day the other day and talking to Andy and crying. This concerned Lily greatly.
She crawled into my lap and wiped my tears away and said, "Dry those tears, Mommy. It'll be okay. Just come into my room and rest."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Tale of Two Jens

This is officially my first day of summer break. Summer Jen is here.

There's always been 2 Jens: Summer Jen and School Jen. While both Jens are pretty happy and for the most part content, there are some major differences.

Summer Jen is carefree, stress free, and not sleep deprived. She doesn't wear socks and surprisingly her grammar goes out the window. (Really, it does.)

School Jen bites her nails, doesn't get enough sleep, and walks hunched over from the school bag she lugs back and forth each day. Though, this is her most creative time, her mind is so full, she thinks it's going to explode.

The question is, who am I now? There is no School Jen so it doesn't seem right to have a Summer Jen. Do I really need a title?? Yes, I do. Any suggestions??

Technically, I'm not done with work. I have to finish up grades and pack up my classroom. So I have a few days to figure out my new identity.

Thought I'd throw in a picture of School Jen back in her hey day. This was my third year of teaching (2000), my first year at RVCS, and obviously when I first met the janitor that would change my life. Ahhh......

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Joe Louis, My Champion

I know this may seem weird to start this up at the end of the school year; but it’s something I really want to try to do on a somewhat regular basis. I’d like to post short reviews on books I’m reading, mainly children’s books.

I conduct a workshop style approach to my teaching of reading in the classroom. So, I am constantly looking for and reading children’s picture and chapter books that will help me teach various skills and reading strategies.

Just because I’m not going to be in the classroom anymore, doesn’t mean I will quit reading children’s literature. I just love it! And I hope to pass that love on to my own kids. And since all of my four readers, either have kids in their family or work with kids, I thought this might be interesting to you.

The other day I read Joe Louis, My Champion by William Miller to my class. It’s about real life professional heavyweight boxer, Joseph Louis Barrow. Turning professional in the 1930’s was a major achievement, especially since Joe was African American. He held the heavyweight title for 12 years, longer than any other boxer.

This picture book is a great way to teach kids about racism and prejudice and the way life in our country used to be and still can be. You can communicate these ideas in a non-threatening way. It also holds up a hero to kids that used hard work and determination to achieve his goals.

The illustrations are beautiful and my kids were really glued throughout the story.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summer Goals

It's been a week of mixed emotions for me. The school year is winding down....quickly I've had some first "lasts". My last Open House. My last staff meeting. And while some may think, "I bet she can't wait to be done!", I've definitely had my moments of fighting back tears.

Yes, I'm excited about not grading papers, no more staying late when I'd rather be home with my family, and I could go on. But, I've been teaching (and loving it) for many years and it's not just something you quit doing cold turkey. I knew it was going to be hard.

So, I usually have 2 summer goal lists. One is school goals for next year and the other is projects around the house. Honestly, I rarely make more than a dent in either list. This summer my list is much more simple, partly because I have no school projects to accomplish.

So here's my summer goals:

1.) Get ready for the baby, of course.

2.) Sleep.

3.) Learn how to retrieve messages from our home phone.

4.) Spend time just playing with Lily.

5.) Plant a garden with Lily.

6.) Sleep.

7.) Learn how to make a quilt (hint, hint Wendy ! ).

8.) Have family fun days with Andy and Lil. (Just days where we take fun day trips together.)

9.) Finish Lily’s First Year scrapbook. (Or maybe start it. I can’t remember.)

10.) Did I mention sleep? I really want to sleep.

I'm very excited about this list because I think I just might be able to accomplish each thing on my list. Can't wait to get started!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Blessings

Wow, I'm a mom! I still can't believe it sometimes. On this Mother's Day, I'm thinking about how amazing my Lily Grace is and how thankful to God that he gave her to Andy and I. Everyday with her is an adventure. I'm laughing at something she says every day, often several times a day. And every time she says, "Mommy, I love you," my heart is
absolutely full.

And now I'm going to be a mom to our little boy. I don't think I'm really going to believe I'm having a boy until I see him. Thinking about being a mom of two, is a little overwhelming. Can I actually do this?? I just can't wait to meet him and hold him.

I've had 3 great examples of super moms, my mom and two older sisters. Growing up, it felt like I had 3 moms instead of one. My sisters are 9 and 11 years older than me. I didn't always like it (more so when I got older); but I'm pretty darn lucky to have so many woman who care about me and look out for me.

So, thank you God, for giving me the mom I have. For giving me sisters, who will be closer than any friend can be. And for giving me not just one, but two chances to be a mom myself. To feel that depth of love for another person and to be loved by them is truly a gift from God.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Final Countdown

The countdown has begun. Wow! School is winding down for the year. It's zooming by and before we know it, there will be end of the year parties, award chapel, the "cleaning out of the desk" ritual and then those last good-byes.

I won't lie. There are those years where you may have had a student or two that have....well, let's just say....tried your patience. You thank the Lord for them and all their special qualities; but also thank God that now someone else gets to enjoy those special qualities.

On the other hand, there are all those special times during the year with your students that you look back on and cherish. The times when you really saw them "get something" you were teaching, or the lesson you didn't realize they were going to enjoy so much or learn so much from, the chapels and special programs.

At the end of the year, I can't help but start planning for the next. I think about the things I want to do again next year and how I can make it better next time. I also make mental notes of the things that did not work and strike those off my to-do list. I always have a bucketful of new ideas I want to try out. A teacher's mind never stops turning!!

In the midst of all this end of the year hullabaloo, I have to remind myself that there won't be a next year for me. This is it. Maybe not forever; but at least for the near future. That near future may be one year or ten! I just don't know. I can make plans; but only God can order my steps.

I'm more than excited about being home with Lily and my new little one. But, there will be things I miss. Having that lesson you worked so hard on turn out better than you imagined, laughing and talking with my co-workers, who have become so much like family, and (to be really honest) all those Starbucks I get at holidays throughout the year!! Seriously, Christmas is going to come around and I'll be asking Andy where are the Starbucks giftcards are!!

All that to say, I'm very hopeful and determined to enjoy the season of life God has me in. Whatever it may be. So while I'm counting down to summer and saying good-bye to lesson plans and grading papers (no love lost there!), I'm counting up to the new adventure God has for me. Which does include lots of diapers and sleepless nights. But there is so much more and that's what I'm excited to see.