Living with Lily is never dull. Ever. She often says things where I have to do a double take and say, "Did she just say what I thought she said?" Or I just laugh, truly and honestly laugh. Sometimes, she is just plain silly. We are currently working on learning how to stop being silly and knowing when it's too much. It's not going very well.
While her humor is mixed with plain silly, there are high doses of sassiness. Ahh.... the sassiness. Yet, the sassiness (and drama, of course) is balanced out with real sweetness.
This is my girl and I wouldn't have her any other way. So from time to time, I must post some of the things she says and does.
While I get ready in the morning, Lily likes to keep me company. We have the most interesting conversations at 7 a.m.
Lily: May I have some chocolate chips?
Me: No Sweetie, you haven't had any breakfast yet. You are having party today at school and you are going to have lots of sweets. Don't worry your pretty little head about it.
Lily: My heads not pretty.
Me: Yes, it is. Your head is so pretty.
Lily: It's pretty right here (points to left side of head); but it's ugly right here. (points to the left side of her head)
I was having hard day the other day and talking to Andy and crying. This concerned Lily greatly.
She crawled into my lap and wiped my tears away and said, "Dry those tears, Mommy. It'll be okay. Just come into my room and rest."
1 comment:
I love that girl - she does say some interesting things but keeps us all smiling! :)
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