Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Tale of Two Jens

This is officially my first day of summer break. Summer Jen is here.

There's always been 2 Jens: Summer Jen and School Jen. While both Jens are pretty happy and for the most part content, there are some major differences.

Summer Jen is carefree, stress free, and not sleep deprived. She doesn't wear socks and surprisingly her grammar goes out the window. (Really, it does.)

School Jen bites her nails, doesn't get enough sleep, and walks hunched over from the school bag she lugs back and forth each day. Though, this is her most creative time, her mind is so full, she thinks it's going to explode.

The question is, who am I now? There is no School Jen so it doesn't seem right to have a Summer Jen. Do I really need a title?? Yes, I do. Any suggestions??

Technically, I'm not done with work. I have to finish up grades and pack up my classroom. So I have a few days to figure out my new identity.

Thought I'd throw in a picture of School Jen back in her hey day. This was my third year of teaching (2000), my first year at RVCS, and obviously when I first met the janitor that would change my life. Ahhh......

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I vote for "Mommy Jen" - and who knows what Mommy Jen of two will do - hey - that is probably a good blog post for about oh - say - December :)