Saturday, June 4, 2011

One, Two, Three Ouch!

So, I'm posting twice today. Hey, I'm just on the couch. I have a lot of time on my hands.

I must write about something very unpleasant I had to do yesterday. I failed my glucose test that I took in the hospital the other day. So I had to take the much longer 3 hour one on Friday. They draw blood, then you drink a bottle of super sweet sugary orange punch. Then for the next 3 hours, they draw your blood once every hour. (Sounds super fun, doesn't it?)

4 blood draws in all. Not my first choice to spend the morning; but I got to get out the house and walk around for a bit.

The most important task that morning though was to decide what to wear. So what does one wear to a 3 hour glucose test? It was chilly and I wanted to be comfortable. I was going to have to sit and wait for quite awhile. I couldn't wear my pajama pants. (I know people do that, but I have a problem with people being so lazy that they can't even throw on a pair of jeans before they leave the house. I'm not down with that!) I didn't want to wear my jeans.... again.

I decided to break out the brown velour sweat pants and matching brown hoodie. (Chocolate brown for you visual people) Now, I'm not one to don the velour, ever. I'm simply not that bold. But it was passed on to me from a formerly pregnant friend. It was cute, comfy and didn't have "juicy" bedazzled across the rear, so I thought I could pull it off.

After the first blood draw I decided to wait in the main lobby next to the coffee cart. Yes, the coffee cart with it's delicious aromas and baked goodies staring at me through their glass prisons calling, "Free me, eat me!" Did I mention this was a fasting test? I hadn't eaten since 10 the night before?!? I'm crazy, I know.

So what did I do for those 3 hours? Well, I spent the first hour reading a magazine, trying not to fall into a hunger induced coma. The second hour, I spent jotting down these very words so I could blog them later. I also spent the time debating on whether to get up to use the bathroom or not, fearing I'd lose my primo double wide chair under the skylight. The third hour, I spent catching up on the Royal Wedding news. There was was a whole issue of Time dedicated to the two love birds. Very interesting actually.

All in all, it wasn't that bad. Time went by faster than I thought. And most importantly, my knight in shining armor picked me up in the parking lot with hamburger and french fries in hand.


Wendy said...

I'm so glad you got through it, that is no fun at all! I hope the results will be uneventful.
And I am totally laughing at your pants not saying "juicy" on the behind. Glad we don't need to stage a fashion intervention or anything. :)

Stephanie said...

Been there done that one! Awesome husband to bring you yummy food! Praying for you!