Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Laughter: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Day 13: Laughter

We laugh a lot in our house. I'm so thankful for that. How can you not laugh with two crazy adorable kids? The husband is pretty funny, too.

When Lily gets going, she cannot stop laughing! Sometimes she goes overboard and gets too silly. Some cool down time in her room usually does the trick. Hearing her belly laughs is such a precious sound.

Today, Lily was making Henry laugh. I've never heard him laugh so hard. It was the cutest thing ever. Yes. Ever! Hearing my kids laugh together was video worthy. Of course, they quit doing it once I hit record.

Recently we were hanging out with friends and laughing a lot. I got one of my laugh headaches. Those are the only kind of headaches I like.

This is one of my favorite candid pictures of all time. My sister is on the far right and my niece in the middle. They were visiting from Colorado for Thanksgiving the year I was pregnant with Lily. I have no recollection of what we were laughing about; but I remember that day and having so much fun with these girls, as I always do. Love this picture.

Laughter can make a bad day turn into a faint memory. It can come in the midst of sadness and help you cope with hard times. It turns your home into a happy, inviting place.

So, I'll leave you with what I tell my husband when he laughs at my expense, "Laugh it up, Chuckles!"

And I hope you do.

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