Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Beautiful Sky: A Month of Thankfulness..............Day 17

I was walking out into the parking lot after leaving work today. I was focused on how fast I could get to my car and get to my in-law's house to pick up Lily. I've been getting home late these days and sometimes it is dark by the time I get home. I was determined to get home while it was still light out.

And then I looked up.

I saw the most amazing sky. The bright blue was darkening. There were twinges of pink peaking out behind an immense blanket of marshmallow clouds. It was amazing.

Then my eyes began to take in everything else around me. The beautiful fall trees with their changing leaves lined up like perfect little soldiers. I stopped for just a minute and thought, "I almost missed it. Thank you, God, for making me stop and see your beautiful creation.

My life has been so busy lately. Since Andy started the police academy last January while working full time, our lives have been hectic. Sometimes I just want to stop and do nothing. Or I just want to stop and absorb things. But, do I? Not very often. I'm glad I did today.

As I said in yesterday's post, Andy broached the subject to me about a year and half ago of wanting to become a police officer. I immediately put up my invisible, sound proof shield. I basically said, "Talk to the hand!" There was no reason to continue the conversation because it just wasn't going to happen. It was that simple!

But when you are called to do something, that desire just doesn't go away. That darn Andy wouldn't stop talking about it. I eventually had to listen and at least pretend to be open to the idea. I said what I say to a lot of other people. "If it's not meant to be, God will close the door." I guess I was hoping He'd close the door.

Well here we are, more than a year later, 2 weeks shy of his graduation from the police academy and God has not just opened the door; He's flung it wide open. And beyond that door is a runway with flashing signs and arrows pointing and saying, "Yes, this is what you are supposed to do. Come right this way!"

As of today, Andy has officially been offered a job with the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department as a Deputy Sheriff. How that all came about will be shared in my next post. A month ago we thought he'd be waiting around for a job after graduation just like most of his other classmates. In a matter of few weeks, though, everything has changed. It's a bit like a whirlwind. It's still sinking in for both of us, especially Andy. But amid the chaos, I know I need to stop and look up and notice the great things that God is doing in the life of my family.

This verse immediately came to mind:

Proverb 34:8 Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.


Stephanie said...

Great verse and great thoughts - open doors are wonderful and we are rejoicing at all God is doing for your family!

Wendy said...

Jen, that's so exciting! I love this post and your good news of how God is working in your lives.