Saturday, November 6, 2010

That's My Girl !: A Month of Thankfulness...Day 3

On January 18, 2008, my life changed forever. It's funny to think of life before Lily came. Time to myself..... sleeping in........ these things are hazy, faint memories. And you know what, I wouldn't go back to life before Lily for a million bucks. As I said in yesterday's post, Andy makes me laugh every day. But Lily makes me laugh several times each day.

When Lily wakes up, she hits the ground running. I always wonder, "What crazy, funny thing is she going to say today?" There is no down time during the day for my little dynamo. But I love that about her. As her Pre-K teacher said yesterday. Lily loves life! Boy is this true. She's made me love life so much more.

Here's a few of my favorite pics as of late. They really capture my sweet girl's fun personality.

She loves to hide in our closet!
This was not staged!!
She loves to dance.
She's all sass!!
Silly girls.


Stephanie said...

She makes me smile!!! We love Lil at our house! She is a definite reason to be thankful! Enjoying reading your blog!

Jen Bauer said...

Thanks, my one faithful reader!!!!