Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Laughter: A Month of Thankfulness.....Day 6

Well, I've already failed in my quest to post one thing a day that I'm thankful for. That's okay, though. I'm just going to pick up from where I left off.

I laugh a lot. I feel so blessed to have friends who are funny and make me laugh. My family is pretty funny as well. Whenever I visit my sister in Colorado, I'm sure to get one of my leadaches. (I just made that word up. It comes from the words laughing and headaches. Definition: a headache most commonly brought on by a lack of oxygen due to intense and repetitive laughing.) I laugh everyday at work. I work with some very funny and silly people. And I teach 7 and 8 year olds. Enough said.

When life is busy and stressful, I'm so thankful for laughter. It makes the load seem lighter and easier to carry.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You are fun to laugh with!!!! :)