Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Thankful Thought Each Day Keeps The Pity Party Away

So, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed this week, for many reasons. Above the water I look cool, calm and collected. Underneath though, I'm pedaling......hard. All I could think to blog about was how tired I am. Then I moseyed on over to my friend Jamie's blog and saw that each day she was going to post something she was thankful for. What a great way to get the focus off of me and on all the good things God has done and is doing in my life.

So, I'm swiping her fabulous idea. I'm sure she won't mind.

Nov. 4th.- I'm so thankful for family to watch Lily while I'm at work. I've had to leave Lily with someone every day since she was 7 months old (just during the school year, not summer) while I go to work. It's always been a real struggle for me to do this. God has always given me amazing people to watch her and lover her, though. This year she has had her grandmas to watch her. Who better to care for her when I can't? Thanks, God.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We do have much to be thankful for - thanks for reminding me to get out of my pity party and get thankful!