Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Faithful God: A Month of Thankfulness.....Day 5

Today I was reminded through this morning's sermon about God's faithfulness. Exodus 16 recounts the story of how the Israelites grumbled against Moses when he led them out of Egypt because they didn't have enough food or because they didn't have the kind of food they had in Egypt.

I'm always amazed at how quickly they forgot their lives as slaves in a foreign country. They were oppressed for over 400 years! Yet, they complained and whined and wished they were back making bricks. Let's not forget the great sea of water that miraculously parted for them so they could walk across on dry land!

How pigheaded! How ungrateful! How much am I like the Israelites?!?!

Even though God was trying to give them rest from their opressors, they still grumbled and complained and thought Moses was leading them out to the desert to die. They were not exercising faith that God was truly delivering them and would provide for their every need.

When he gave them manna, they complained that that was all they had. They were tired of manna, they wanted meat. When he gave them meat, they complained about that too.

This really hit home for me today. God has been so faithful to my family in so many ways. So why do I worry? Why do I complain when He provides? Because it's not all packaged as perfectly as I've imagined complete with a pretty bow? He is at work all around me, providing what I need for each day. Sometimes He provides above and beyond what I could imagine.

And for that, I'm truly thankful.


Wendy said...

Love this, Jen. You're so right, the sermon was great, and such a good reminder of how much we tend to complain and take our focus off of God's faithfulness!

Jen Bauer said...

Yes... so true. The sermon came at just the right time!