Monday, November 15, 2010

Books and Coffee; A Month of Thankfulness......Day 15

I love books. All kinds of books. Especially children's books. I guess me being an elementary teacher for the past 13 years has something to do with it.

Tonight I got to browse through Barnes and Nobles and purchase (with money from our school library) some books for my classroom. Maybe browse is not the right word. Having an almost 3 year old who constantly needed to go to the bathroom does not lend itself to browsing; but it was still fun. Plus, I got a free coffee! Score!

I'm so thankful for books. Books take you anywhere you want to go. They inspire you. They teach you. They enable you to look at life through someone else's eyes, to walk in someone else's shoes. You can laugh, cry, or be scared all from the comfort of your own comfy couch.

I love to sit on the floor of our public library and just pull books off the shelf and read. Just read. I have many favorite children's authors; but my most absolute fave is Patricia Polacco. If you've never read any of her books, I strongly recommend it. I would start off with my favorite, Thundercake. We actually made Thundercake in class last year.

I had fun tonight, just sitting on my couch and reading through some books I want to read to my class this week. And reading Spot Bakes a Cake to Lily. I'll end this post the way I begin our Book Nook time in class. "Get lost in a good book."

Another all time favorite.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It was fun - I got to read Clifford's First Christmas a few times to a cute puppy :)