Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Month of Thankfulness........So it turns out, I'm married to a Sheriff Deputy.

Well, technically this is my last day to post something I am thankful for. Though, a thankful spirit should not stop with the month of November. I thought posting something everyday would be easy peasy; but it's been rather difficult. Maybe it's because November has proved to be the most hectic and surprising month of my year! And quite honestly I've had some days where I have felt far from thankful.

A month ago, I thought Andy was graduating from the academy and I would finally get my husband back. We'd take our trip to Disneyland and things would go back to some sort of normalcy.

But, as I've posted earlier, things did a complete 180. An academy final, agility test, all day Psych evaluation, a completed background check and 2 polygraphs later and Andy was offered a job with the sheriff's department. In a time when people are needing jobs, God practically handed this one to Andy. Don't get me wrong. He's worked his tushy off for a year. But the timing and the way everything fell into place was screaming "This is all God!!!!".

I'm so thankful and feel so blessed; but our lives our changing.....and I don't like change all that much.

He graduates on Thursday, we leave for DL on Friday, have to come back a day earlier than planned because he starts work Monday morning. Whoosh! I think I just got whiplash!

As he greeted me last night in his uniform and told me today about how he got issued his gun, bullets, pepper spray and shotgun (yes, I said shotgun!!) I realized that I think I'm still in a bit of shock. It hasn't quite sunk in.

It will be a crazy 6 months as he begins his field training. And while I'm so proud and excited for Andy and our family, I'm nervous, scared, (Did I mention they gave him a shotgun??) apprehensive and missing the life that was mine just a year ago. A way of life I'm never returning to.

So, what am I thankful for?

I'm thankful that my husband is going to do something he can be passionate about.
I'm thankful for so many family and friends who've supported and encouraged us throughout this past year.
I'm thankful for family living nearby. I couldn't have done this year, working full-time, without them.
I'm thankful for a sweet daughter who is about the easiest two-year old I know. (Most of the time:) )
I'm thankful that God gives us abundantly more than what we ask for or can imagine.
I'm thankful that things may not be super easy over the next few months because it will teach me to trust God more.

Did I mention the shotgun????


Stephanie said...

Excited for all God has done and has in store! Praying for you - enjoy DL!

Jen Bauer said...
